

We help to keep, your business going.

In the year 2023, there was a complete rebirth in the software world, and at the same time, inflation was so high that small businesses found it increasingly difficult to find employees for simple tasks at a reasonable wage. We decided to enter the market with services that would allow small businesses to use the best technological solutions.

The slogan 'We help to keep, your business going.' is not just a slogan. With over 30 years of experience in the field of information technology and over 20 years of experience in software development, this is something that is usually beyond the reach of a small business.

We may not be business geniuses or marketing experts, but we are professionals in software development. Our assistance to you is focused on reasonable-priced possibilities, opening up potential innovations for everyday business processes. This can result in either cost savings in labor expenses or reaching a new level, giving your business a competitive advantage.

To ensure smooth collaboration, we have prepared a structure and process. It all begins with our consultation service, where we spend an entire day together, listening to your thoughts and providing constructive feedback if needed. Throughout the day, we can discuss various options and solutions that are feasible for both parties. So, feel free to book a consultation time.

If, during the consultation, we come up with a shared plan on how to proceed, our collaboration will continue towards a specific solution.

Having faced various challenges in life, we are confident that we can provide you with a solution quickly within the next two months. We prefer not to engage in very lengthy developments, as experience shows that both parties end up losing time and money. Considering modern possibilities and relying on our knowledge, we can certainly deliver a reasonable solution, spending a maximum of two months on it.

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What about AI


So what about AI, isint it just for fun ?

Everyone is talking about it and only few understand it. But really it is quite complicated thing. So don’t worry if you don’t know how it works, we use our computers and telephones every day. And only few of us understands how they really make things happen.

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