

We are here to help you take the next step in your business.

We have tailored our services to meet the needs of your company. Find a solution that suits you, and we offer you transparent and reliable service. Benefit from over 30 years of experience in the field of Information Technology and over 20 years of expertise in software development. While our primary market is Europe, we are open to external job opportunities as well. We collaborate with you from home offices, utilizing Google Meet and chat for communication, and also offer face-to-face meetings as needed (which should be arranged in advance).


The service provides you with the opportunity to communicate with our experts.

  • This is a one-day consultation, consisting of 5 hours.
  • The entire consultation is structured by us so that you can receive our undivided attention and commitment to the topics important to you.
  • For example, if you want a website and don't need specific solutions at the moment, we can create the website with you during the consultation without incurring additional costs. Similarly, if you need a solution that requires additional development, we can provide you with a possible solution offer after the consultation. Or we can create a prototype. It all depends on the topic and the need.
  • Or, for instance, if you just want to know how to use AI solutions in your company's processes, all topics are okay.

The consultation generally takes place in English.

  • If you want the consultation in another language, please contact us separately, and we will find a solution.

You can book a time slot immediately.

  • When booking a consultation, we will ask for your contact information,
  • a brief description of the topic you need consultation on,
  • a prepayment, and then we will send you the detailed meeting structure along with the Google Meet link within 24 hours.

You can cancel the consultation up to 25 hours before it takes place, and we will refund the entire amount.

Software Development

Comprehensive Solutions and Functional Components Websites

  • Websites as a complete solution.
  • Creating various functional components for the website is something we can certainly assist you with. Whether it's creating user management (login, registration, notifications, etc.) or integrating different systems (ChatGPT, GMAIL, Payments, Bank, Invoicing, etc.).

Mobile Apps

  • We can also develop mobile apps for iPhone or Android. We can create a prototype in a matter of weeks, and the app itself within a couple of months.

Interface Layers

  • REST API for your service.
  • Integrating your service with a third-party API.

Individual Functional Components

  • For example, if you want to create a registry for your company, whether it's a document registry or a spare parts registry.
  • Or perhaps you need some other in-house or customer-focused tool. We are here to assist you.

Software Project Management

We have more than 20 years of experience of leading Software development Projects.

We prefer to use Agile methodology.

Software Project Planning

A service for software project planning encompasses various details, to ensure the successful initiation and execution of software projects.

Project Scope Definition:

  • Clearly defining the goals, objectives, and deliverables of the software project.

Requirements Gathering:

  • Conducting thorough consultations to gather and document client requirements for the software.

Feasibility Analysis:

  • Assessing the technical and financial feasibility of the proposed software project.

Timeline and Milestone Planning:

  • Establishing a detailed project timeline, including key milestones and deadlines.

Resource Allocation:

  • Identifying and allocating the necessary human and technological resources for the project.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation:

  • Identifying potential risks associated with the project and developing strategies to mitigate them.

Technology Stack Selection:

  • Recommending appropriate technologies, frameworks, and tools for the development of the software.

Budgeting and Cost Estimation:

  • Providing a detailed breakdown of project costs and estimating the budget required for successful completion.

Communication Plan:

  • Outlining a communication plan to ensure effective collaboration and information flow among team members and stakeholders.

Project Documentation:

  • Creating comprehensive project documentation, including project plans, technical specifications, and user documentation.

Quality Assurance and Testing Strategy:

  • Defining a robust quality assurance and testing strategy to ensure the reliability and functionality of the software.

Change Management:

  • Establishing procedures for handling changes in project scope or requirements during the development process.

Client Collaboration:

  • Involving the client in the planning process to align project goals with their expectations and preferences.

Legal and Compliance Considerations:

  • Addressing legal and compliance requirements related to the software development process.

Post-Implementation Support Plan:

  • Outlining a plan for post-implementation support, including maintenance and troubleshooting.