

What about AI

Everyone is talking about it and only few understand it. But really it is quite complicated thing. So don’t worry if you don’t know how it works, we use our computers and telephones every day. And only few of us understands how they really make things happen.

There are people who have ability to explain things. And we really liked the way AI got explained in this Mark Riedl article A Very Gentle Introduction to Large Language Models without the Hype. Anyone who read that article, have now basic understanding how AI is operating. And that there is no real evil mind behind it. More like peoples hard work and good prediction model.

But fun aside, we all know that AI can tell us about things and create pictures even write code. You may ask how that helps business, if you are not in the fun business. Honest answer is a lot.

Whole feature is built now on AI, and it will make no sense to swim against the current. We are here to help you to get most out of it and make AI introduction to your business smooth.

We have built different solutions for different businesses. The solution that you may need is just around the corner to be delivered.

When you think money wise it is definitely good investment. AI can save to your business at least one employee or if you run one-man show, it can give you that extra power you need. Through the year employee needs salary beside the on-boarding expenses. AI needs small investment and some maintenance fees. Nothing is free, but expenses with AI are much smaller than you can imagine. Just book the consultation with us and we can figure it out together and find the best solution for your business.

We help to keep, your business going.


For many small businesses, technology is crucial to remaining competitive in a growing market. This article discusses how we can be beneficial to you.

In the year 2023, there was a complete rebirth in the software world, and at the same time, inflation was so high that small businesses found it increasingly difficult to find employees for simple tasks at a reasonable wage. We decided to enter the market with services that would allow small businesses to use the best technological solutions.

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